Lunar Crisis Version 1.3 now available
This version's main additions are new sex scenes, sprites and new story sequences, some new, some to complementing previous ones that were lacking.
If you see any problem major or minor please let me know, there will be a new version not too long from now to complete what's missing from the Japanese version, so things can still be fixed, also I'm sure I missed stuff.
To avoid any potential compatibility problem I've changed the application folder, so everything is reset, you can use previous saves if you want, at your own risk of soft-locking the game, I don't know for sure if it would happen but it's possible due to a lot of values changing.
If you still want to use previous save data, go to the application folder:
%localappdata% or C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\
look for the folder Lunar3 and copy all its contents into the new folder Lunar4, or change the name to Lunar4 if it doesn't exist yet, Lunar4 is only created when you run the game for the first time.
If you dabble in the gallery, play around with it and let me know if there are problems, there's a few new things added, THERE IS a problem with the gallery tho, due to some changes, previous saves will load the wrong sprites most of the time. sorry about that.
Get Lunar Crisis
Lunar Crisis
NSFW adventure/exploration... in space.
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- Important update (1.3a)7 days ago
- Lunar Crisis Version 1.2b Now availableFeb 09, 2024
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Stuck on day 2 if anyone else is and got past it in this new patch let me know. Can't get the camera scenes to trigger. Can view the rooms with the girls but nothing proceeds.
I wonder if Salika got any new scenes.
It seems, sometimes there are good surprises in life. Thank you for this update! Love your work.
in the gallery changing the background to lobby crashes the game with this message
action number 1
of Step Event0
for object obj_gallery:
Creating instance for non-existing object: 1487
at gml_Script_scr_gal_saves
gml_Script_scr_gal_saves (line -1)
Wow, I love this game so getting an update is wild and welcome. Love your work!
great changes so far but I ran into an issue with the 100% ending where the game crashes right as the protagonist is rebooting after the memory sequence in the nano chamber.
Here's the error for reference,
action number 1
of Alarm Event for alarm 0
for object obj_ev_play:
Unable to find instance for object index 170
at gml_Object_obj_ev_play_Alarm_0
gml_Object_obj_ev_play_Alarm_0 (line -1)
Thanks love your games!
Thanks, i'm already on it plus fixing some other smaller bugs, i'll upload fixes soon.
cool! thanks man! we love your stuff!
also yes copy pasting the saves into the new folder messed some stuff up but its ok i was looking for an excuse to play the game again anyway try and get 100%
Is there a way to move the game files over from the prior version?
Yes, it's above in the post, but I'm receiving reports it's not fully compatible, some big changes happened so looks like it's better to not do it. But try if you want, and let me know.
Damn! Thank u for the update, how many new scenes are in?